Amex Record 1 Hotel Mapping

The Amex KR1025 Record 1 Hotel Mapping file layout identifies detail information for fields 614 through 819 as they relate to hotel expenses. The file contains the field name, the picture location, the character location of the field, the length of each field, and any notes regarding the field.

Field Picture Location Length Notes
Hotel Description of Charge X(23) 614-636 23 Description of hotel charge.
Hotel Guest Name* X(35) 637-671 35 Name of the guest staying at hotel.
Hotel Arrival Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 672-679 8 Date checked into hotel.
Hotel Depart Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 680-687 8 Date checked out of hotel.
Hotel Stay Duration Decimal (3,0) 688-690 3 Number of room nights at hotel (# of rooms * # of nights).
Hotel Room Rate X(15) 691-705 15 Room rate submitted by hotel for the stay.  This field will be numeric if a numeric value is available.
Hotel City X(30) 706-735 30 Name of the hotel city.
Hotel State X(06) 736-741 6 The code for the hotel state
Hotel Folio Number X(10) 742-751 10 Internal Hotel Reference Number.
Filler X(68) 752-819 68 Spaces